14 December 2005

Last Train to Clarksv...Cessnock

The Glasgow subway stations may yet be connected (from the front page of Wikipedia today, the 109th anniversary of metro operations there). Thanks a lot to Jane (old friend) for my new wiki addiction, and Jimmy (new friend) for my new blogger.com obsession (and who pointed out that the Glasgow subway system is disconnected). I am supposed to be getting out of the house...


Blogger Jimmy said...

Undocumented fact: Glasgow's subway (aka Clockwork Orange) has these small bright, modern orange trains running through 19th century tunnels which are murky and always dripping wet. This coupled with passengers who are usually damp from the extreme climate of the area gives the place a unique smell. Never forgotten.

Thursday, December 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, this morning i was making chex mix (Nana's version) and as I was adding the Worcestershire sauce it occurred to me that I could see how the ancient Romans might have come up with a mixture of anchovies, fruit, salt, chili, vinegar and tamarind, but who else would have and then why is it called that. I was then worrying that I might never get any information on this subject, be left to wonder at 4 am wakings about it and then I thought of the Wikipedia and then I thought of you. So, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worcestershire_sauce

and then to track down what I meant by ancient Romans, look up "garum" for more timewasting fun!

xo jk

Thursday, December 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wikipedia says " It is one of the few metro systems that have never expanded from its original route " I found this crushing and sad, someone tell me why ? why ? why ? I have found the people of Glasgow to be the kindest and best looking in all of Scotland !

Thursday, December 15, 2005  
Blogger Sharon said...

jk, you will uniquely appreciate more saucy stuff from Wikipedia:

Friday, December 16, 2005  

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